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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons J.Y. Duriaux Chavarria

Research interests

PhD project: People-Nature trade-offs and synergies in agricultural landscapes - Guiding conservation and regeneration from local people’s perspectives

Research interests

Involved in interdisciplinary research and development that promotes sustainable intensiļ¬cation of agriculture, the improvement of rural livelihoods, and furthers the understanding of people-nature interactions. Experience includes agroecosystems analysis and re-design, agroforestry, tropical agronomy, farmers' perceptions and landscape restoration. 


Are they even there?: How agri-environment schemes investments reach their target species in Dutch dairy-farmland, the case of meadow birds

Do provisioning ecosystem services change along gradients of increasing agricultural production?

Grutto Landschap Project - Jaarverslag 2021: De staat van ons landschap: biomonitoring van duurzame landbouw innovaties

More people, more trees: A reversal of deforestation trends in Southern Ethiopia

Forest edges near farms enhance wheat productivity measures: A test using high spatial resolution remote sensing of smallholder farms in Southern Ethiopia

Agriculturally productive yet biodiverse: Human benefits and conservation values along a forest-agriculture gradient in Southern Ethiopia

Retaining forests within agricultural landscapes as a pathway to sustainable intensification: Evidence from Southern Ethiopia

A methodological approach for assessing cross-site landscape change: Understanding socio-ecological systems

Indirect contributions of forests to dietary diversity in Southern Ethiopia

Understanding people and forest interrelations along an intensification gradient in Arsi-Negele, Ethiopia

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