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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. J.W. (Jan-Willem) Strijbos


A meta-analysis of the effects of context, content, and task factors of digitally delivered instructional feedback on learning performance

The impact of interpersonal perceptions on the process of dealing with errors while providing and processing peer-feedback on writing

A Systematic Review of Peer Assessment Design Elements

Conceptual review on scientific reasoning and scientific thinking

Doing quantitative research in the learning sciences and CSCL: current developments and applications

Exploring the Use of Teacher Third-Position Support of Multilingual and Monolingual Children: A Multiple Case Study in Kindergarten Classrooms

Feedback en schrijfvaardigheid

In the eye of the beholder: The relationship between perceived peer language skills, provided peer feedback and peer grading in secondary education

Dealing with errors while providing and processing peer-feedback on writing: A mixed-method approach

Effecten van gepercipieerde schrijfvaardigheid op gegeven peer-feedback en -cijfers van 4vwo’ers

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Onderwijsapps: honderdduizenden leerlingen gebruiken ze, maar wat schieten zij ermee op?