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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. J.W.M. (Joost) Frenken


Attractive curves: The role of deformations in adhesion and friction on graphene

Ultrathin, sputter-deposited, amorphous alloy films of ruthenium and molybdenum

Atomistic mechanisms for frictional energy dissipation during continuous sliding

Effect of rubidium incorporation on the optical properties and intermixing in Mo/Si multilayer mirrors for EUV lithography applications

On the Origin of Frictional Energy Dissipation

Response to Comment on “On the Origin of Frictional Energy Dissipation”, by B.N.J. Persson

The Coalescence Behavior of Two-Dimensional Materials Revealed by Multiscale in Situ Imaging during Chemical Vapor Deposition Growth

In situ observations of an active MoS2 model hydrodesulfurization catalyst

On the Non-trivial Origin of Atomic-Scale Patterns in Friction Force Microscopy

The effect of oxidation and resulfidation on (Ni/Co)MoS2 hydrodesulfurisation catalysts


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