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Factors influencing functional recovery after limb-salvage surgery for lower extremity musculoskeletal tumours: a qualitative study combining patients' and healthcare professionals' perspectives

Implementation barriers and facilitators for referral from the hospital to community-based lifestyle interventions from the perspective of lifestyle professionals: A qualitative study

Leefstijl en preventie in het ziekenhuis: het leefstijlloket

LOFIT (Lifestyle front Office For Integrating lifestyle medicine in the Treatment of patients): a novel care model towards community-based options for lifestyle change-study protocol

Association between dementia parental family history and mid-life modifiable risk factors for dementia: a cross-sectional study using propensity score matching within the Lifelines cohort

Knowledge, health beliefs and attitudes towards dementia and dementia risk reduction among descendants of people with dementia: a qualitative study using focus group discussions

Knowledge, health beliefs and attitudes towards dementia and dementia risk reduction among the Dutch general population: a cross-sectional study

The validity and reliability of a digital Ruff Figural Fluency Test (RFFT)

Towards dementia risk reduction among individuals with a parental family history of dementia

Correction to: Cross-cultural validation of the motivation to change lifestyle and health behaviours for dementia risk reduction scale in the Dutch general population


Kan de schok van een ouder met dementie je wakker schudden? UMCG start bevolkingsonderzoek.

Bevolkingsonderzoek voorkoming dementie