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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. J. (Jenny) van Doorn


Cobotic service teams and power dynamics: Understanding and mitigating unintended consequences of human-robot collaboration in healthcare services

Healthy shopping dynamics: The healthiness of sequential grocery choices

(Un)intended spillovers of green government policies: The case of plastic regulations

Organizational frontlines in the digital age: The Consumer–Autonomous Technology–Worker (CAW) framework

Robots do not judge: service robots can alleviate embarrassment in service encounters

Waste on Impulse? Food ordering, calorie intake and waste in out-of-home consumption

Are you being served? Managing waist and waste via serving size, unit size, and self-serving

The effect of required warmth on consumer acceptance of artificial intelligence in service: The moderating role of AI-human collaboration

Artificial Intelligence and Robotics in Marketing

Does sustainability sell? The impact of sustainability claims on the success of national brands’ new product introductions


Zorgrobots voor publiek in UMCG

Hongaren bewonderen ons, Voedingscentrum vindt dat we thuis te veel eten blijven weggooien

NIEUWS — VANDAAG Jenny van Doorn

Dynamisch afprijzen, helpt dat tegen voedselverspilling?

De robot zorgt samen met de mens, niet in plaats van

Recycling and VAT rates: Meet Europeans in search of sustainable solutions

UK on using robots when it gets embarrassing

Featured on BBC podcast on recycling