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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. J. (Jelle) Stekelenburg
University Medical Center Groningen

prof. dr. J. (Jelle) Stekelenburg

Hoogleraar Internationale aspecten van reproductieve gezondheidszorg, in het bijzonder veilig moederschap
Profielfoto van prof. dr. J. (Jelle) Stekelenburg

Research interests

Prof. Jelle Stekelenburg combines his job as Consultant Obs & Gyn at the Medical Centre Leeuwarden with holding a chair as Professor International Aspects of Reproductive Health, in particular Safe Motherhood, at the University of Groningen. He is the chairman of the Working Party International Safe Motherhood and Reproductive Health (

His professional drive is based on, on one hand, the observation that motherhood is still not safe for many underprivileged women all over the world, but mainly in low resource settings, and, on the other hand, acknowledgment of the right to access the best possible standard of maternal health. Large differences in outcome of pregnancy still exist between different countries, but also within countries. State parties, governments, multilateral health organisations and individual health professionals have the immediate obligation to work on the progressive realisation of the highest possible standard of reproductive, sexual and maternal health.

Prof. Stekelenburg’s activities focus on research and education. He collaborates with PhD-candidates from all over the world, aiming to design evidence-based interventions in different contexts that are effective in improving maternal and neonatal health outcome indicators. In education he takes every opportunity to teach his students about what still needs to be done to reach the aim of safe motherhood for all. 


Assessment of clinical competence of graduating medical students and associated factors in Ethiopia

Baseline knowledge on risk factors, symptoms and intended behavior of women and men towards screening and treatment of cervical cancer in rural Uganda: a cross-sectional study

The impact of accredited social health activists in India on uptake of modern contraception: A nationally representative multilevel modelling study

Women's experience of childbirth care in health facilities: a qualitative assessment of respectful maternity care in Afghanistan

Artificial intelligence and visual inspection in cervical cancer screening

Characteristics and outcomes of pregnant women hospitalized with severe maternal outcomes in eastern Ethiopia: Results from the Ethiopian Obstetric Surveillance System study

Confidential Enquiry into Maternal Deaths in Namibia, 2018-2019: A Local Approach to Strengthen the Review Process and a Description of Review Findings and Recommendations

Effect of contacts with health professionals on modern contraceptives uptake during the first 6 weeks after child birth: a prospective cohort study in Arsi Zone

Establishing the Ethiopian Obstetric Surveillance System for Monitoring Maternal Outcomes in Eastern Ethiopia: A Pilot Study

Evaluation of the Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care training in Gondar, Ethiopia: a mixed methods study

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