dr. J.P. (Jos) Kleijne

Jos Kleijne (1987) studied prehistoric archaeology at Leiden University. Subsequently, he worked for three years at the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands as a specialist for later prehistory. He successfully defended his PhD in prehistoric archaeology at Kiel University in Germany in 2018, after which he continued working as a postdoc there, primarily focusing on Late Neolithic settlement and burial practices. In 2020 he obtained a MSCA-IF (Marie Sklodowska Curie Individual Fellowship) grant for his project MicroTRASH at Groningen University, with a secondment at Universidad de la Laguna, on Tenerife. This project uses micromorphological and biogeochemical methods in understanding the refuse dumps that are found on settlements dating to the Neolithic along the North Sea and the Baltic coasts.
Last modified: | 25 June 2022 1.20 p.m. |