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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons J. (Hans) Ormel


A normal-probit-binomial model for the analysis of repeated sum scores from multi-item questionnaires

Continuity of Psychopathology Throughout Adolescence and Young Adulthood

Distal-to-proximal etiologically relevant variables associated with the general (p) and specific factors of psychopathology

What should a nation do to prevent common mental disorders?: Meet seven conditions for effective prevention

Annual Research Review: Stability of psychopathology: lessons learned from longitudinal population surveys

Dynamic risk for first onset of depressive disorders in adolescence: Does change matter?

Genetic insights into resting heart rate and its role in cardiovascular disease

Low status, humiliation, dopamine and risk of schizophrenia

Meer behandeling, maar niet minder depressie; een ongemakkelijke paradox

More Treatment, but Not Less Anxiety and Mood Disorders: Why? Seven Hypotheses and Their Evaluation

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Coaching of Personnel Potential