dr. J.M. (Jules) van Rooij

Dr. Jules M. van Rooij studied marine biology at the University of Groningen (The Netherlands), where he also obtained his PhD degree (in 1996) on the thesis “Behavioural energetics of the parrotfish Sparisoma viride: flexibility in a coral reef setting”. From 1995 until 2000 he worked as a postdoctoral researcher. First at the department of food web studies of the Netherlands Institute of Ecology in an EC project studying the effects of climate change on the ecophysiology of freshwater fish (Perca fluviatilis). And the last 2 years at the department of Aquaculture at Wageningen University in two EC-projects on the improvement of sustainable aquaculture systems for shrimp (in Mexico and Israel) and for herbivorous freshwater fish (in India and Bangladesh). He published 15 papers in peer refereed journals that have been cited over 400 times.
In 2000, he returned to the University of Groningen as advisor Research Policy to the Executive Board. Since 2005 he co-ordinates the Assessment & Control of Research Quality as well as the University's Institutional Research. His areas of expertise further encompass Public Accountability, Responsible Metrics, Societal Impact, Benchmarking, Research Information Management and Open Science.