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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. J.M. (Joke) Spikman


Assessing the Validity of Diffusion Weighted Imaging Models: A Study in Patients with Post-Surgical Lower-Grade Glioma

Automated magnetic resonance imaging quantification of cerebral parenchymal and ventricular volume following subarachnoid hemorrhage: associations with cognition

Clusters of resilience and vulnerability: executive functioning, coping and mental distress in patients with diffuse low-grade glioma

Deep brain stimulation in dystonia: The added value of neuropsychological assessments

Development and content validity of the cognition in daily life scale (CDL)

Emotion recognition in relation to tumor characteristics in patients with low-grade glioma

Good Health-Related Quality of Life in Older Patients One Year after mTBI despite Incomplete Recovery: An Indication of the Disability Paradox?

Identification of At-Risk Patients That Need More Intensive Treatment Following mTBI: Post-Hoc Insights From the UPFRONT-Study

Impaired facial emotion recognition in relation to social behaviours in de novo Parkinson's disease

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Praktijk in Lisse trekt radeloze patiënt met neurologische aandoening

Opgeknapt na hersenletsel door therapie in de VS

Cognitive FX

Collega's spreken van een Lourdes behandeling

Expert opinion regarding the Cognitive FX treatment in Utah

Aandacht na hersenletsel

Wat is klinische neuropsychologie

paper in de the Lancet Neurology: results of the UPFRONT study

Interview in Neurology News International about the UpFront project

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