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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. J.M. (Marina) Maurer


Infliximab in paediatric inflammatory bowel disease: External evaluation of population pharmacokinetic models

Pharmacy compounded pilocarpine: An adequate solution to overcome shortage of pilogel® discs for sweat testing in patients with cystic fibrosis

Stabiliteit van meropenem in een draagbare medicatiecassette omgeven door koelelementen

Safety and Tolerability of Lumbar Catheterization and Lumbar Puncture for Cerebrospinal Fluid Analysis in Clinical Neurology Drug Studies

Angioedema in chronic spontaneous urticaria is underdiagnosed and has a substantial impact: Analyses from ASSURE-CSU

ColoPulse tablets in inflammatory bowel disease: Formulation, potential application and evaluation

Erratum to: Scaling up strategies of the chronic respiratory disease programme of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing: (Action Plan B3 Area 5) (vol 6, 29, 2016)

Development and potential application of an oral ColoPulse infliximab tablet with colon specific release: A feasibility study

Gastrointestinal pH and Transit Time Profiling in Healthy Volunteers Using the IntelliCap System Confirms Ileo-Colonic Release of ColoPulse Tablets

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