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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. J. (Jorien) Luijkx


Experiences and support needs of families raising adolescents with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities during the transition to adulthood

Experiences of Adult Siblings of Individuals With an Intellectual Disability and Pervasive Support Needs

Family Resilience Affecting Well-Being of Families With a Child With Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities

Support needs of families with a child with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities

Transition to adulthood of adolescents with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities: Content validation of the SGU-PIMD to support families

The roles of adult siblings of individuals with a profound intellectual disability

Well-Being of Families with a Child with Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities

Support Needs of Families with a Child with Profound Intellectual and Multiple Disabilities

The roles of adult siblings of people with a profound intellectual disability

Adult siblings in the picture!