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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons ing. J.K. (Jolanda) Brons


Community context influences the conjugation efficiency of Escherichia coli

Considerations on the identity and diversity of organisms affiliated with Sphingobacterium multivorum: Proposal for a new species, Sphingobacterium paramultivorum

The good and the bad: Ecological interaction measurements between the urinary microbiota and uropathogens

Fast identification of Escherichia coli in urinary tract infections using a virulence gene based PCR approach in a novel thermal cycler

The complete sequences and ecological roles of two IncP-1 beta plasmids, pHB44 and pBS64, isolated from the mycosphere of Laccaria proxima

IncP-1 beta Plasmids Are Important Carriers of Fitness Traits for Variovorax Species in the Mycosphere-Two Novel Plasmids, pHB44 and pBS64, with Differential Effects Unveiled

Analysis of bacterial communities in soil by use of denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis and clone libraries, as influenced by different reverse primers


Dutch firm Molecular Biology Systems validating rapid thermal cycler for COVID-19 testing