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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. J.J.H. (Jeroen) Dekker


From Sacral to Profane. The Visualization of Parental and Children’s Emotions in Early Modern Europe

Children’s Emotions in Europe, 1500-1900: A Visual History

Willem Frijhoff (1942–2024)

Looking at the voices of the child. Ideas, challenges, and derailments in the educational space of the past

Educational Space in Time: Reflections on Limits and Options for Educational Ambitions in History

Kinderen in de beeldende kunst

Story telling through fine art: Public histories of childhood and education in exhibitions in the Netherlands and Belgium C. 1980 - C. 2020

Dangerous, Seductive, and Innovative. Visual Sources for the History of Education

In Search of Multiple Compatibility: Modernization, Secularization, Religion, and Education in History

A Cultural History of Education in the Renaissance

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"Leerstoel, geen preekstoel'. Interview in PIP Pedagogiek in Praktijk no. 107, 2019, pp, 6-12.

Member of the committee

Interview in Historisch Nieuwsblad

Interview on Radio 5 on The Art of Education Multimedia project

Interview on Radio 5 on The Art of Education Multimedia project

Interview in NTR Television Program The Art of Education on Net 1

Interview in UK magazine by Christian Boomsma on The Art of Education

Interview by Robin Gerrits

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