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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons J.J. (Jur) Brauers
University Medical Center Groningen

J.J. (Jur) Brauers


Resilient athletes: A multidisciplinary personalized approach

The focus of this project is on complex dynamical systems in sports. We are mainly interested in the construct of resilience within athletes, and how it is defined, measured, and improved. We integrate the non-ergodicity phenomenon and nonlinear time-series analysis to focus on the individual over time. The approach is multidisciplinary as it includes psychological, physiological, and social variables.

The KCT platform: Improving selection and resilience in the Dutch Special Forces

The special forces of the Royal Netherlands Army (Korps Commando Troepen, KCT) are tasked with special operations that can take place anywhere in the world under any circumstances. To become an operator, candidates must undergo a tough and intensive training program. In this program, only the ones who can withstand the heavy mental and physical stressors will succeed. This research project aims to answer questions such as 1) What factors should we focus on when selecting operators (i.e., commandos)? and 2) If we follow operators longitudinally, can we predict when they are likely to collapse (during a training period or a mission, for example)? To meet these aims, we designed a platform that allows efficient data collection and automatic data analysis ( Ultimately this project may inform about best-practice selection methods, as well as interventions to maintain the health and performance of (specially trained) individuals. This project is carried out in close collaboration with the Special Forces unit of the Royal Netherlands Army and received funding from the Dutch Ministry of Defence in 2019.

Laatst gewijzigd:07 februari 2025 11:52