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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons J.G. (Juan) Peypouquet, Prof


Inertial Krasnoselskii-Mann Iterations

A Speed Restart Scheme for a Dynamics with Hessian-Driven Damping

Predicting no-show appointments in a pediatric hospital in Chile using machine learning

Forward-backward approximation of nonlinear semigroups in finite and infinite horizon

Alternating forward–backward splitting for linearly constrained optimization problems

Asymptotic Equivalence of Evolution Equations Governed by Cocoercive Operators and Their Forward Discretizations

Convergence of inertial dynamics and proximal algorithms governed by maximally monotone operators

Backward–forward algorithms for structured monotone inclusions in Hilbert spaces

Fast convergence of inertial dynamics and algorithms with asymptotic vanishing viscosity

Lagrangian Penalization Scheme with Parallel Forward–Backward Splitting