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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. J.G.M. (Judith) Rosmalen


Factors associated with receiving a Functional Disorder diagnostic label: A systematic review

All I Want for Christmas Is a Loo: Visualizations of Sex and Gender on Toilet Doors

Barriers and potential solutions for collaboration between primary and secondary care in patients with persistent somatic symptoms and functional disorders: A nominal group technique study

Comorbidity and sex differences in functional disorders and internalizing disorders

Connecting the dots: Network structures of internalizing and functional symptoms in a population-based cohort

Development of Gender Non-Contentedness During Adolescence and Early Adulthood

Development of Gender Non-Contentedness During Adolescence and Early Adulthood

Different patterns of persistent somatic symptoms after COVID-19 reported by the Dutch media and the general population

Exploring the course of functional somatic symptoms (FSS) from pre- to late adolescence and associated internalizing psychopathology – an observational cohort-study

Factors associated with having previously received a diagnosis of fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and irritable bowel syndrome: A cross sectional DanFunD study


Gendertwijfel - VK brief in reactie op opiniestuk van Vroonhoven

Om de puzzel rond long covid te leggen, moet je ook kijken naar andere ziekten

Ik denk dat we veel eerlijker moeten zijn

Early experiences related to the body and illness coping with symptoms

Iedereen kan Long COVID krijgen

KNAW benoemt Marrink en Rosmalen tot lid

UMCG doet onderzoek naar oorzaken vermoeidheidsziekte ME

Licht in de zwarte doos die ME/CVS heet

Four subgroups of lung covid patients identified with specific characteristics