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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. J. (Joke) Fleer
University Medical Center Groningen

prof. dr. J. (Joke) Fleer

Decaan University College Groningen and Honours College bij RUG & hoogleraar Gezondheidspsychologie bij UMCG


Reasons for (Not) Seeking Care for Fatigue and Care Needs Among Patients With Inflammatory Bowel Disease: A Qualitative Interview Study

Under the radar: How participating in a student organization can shape medical students' professional identity

A cross-sectional study of multidimensional fatigue in biologic-treated rheumatoid arthritis: which variables play a role?

An evidence-informed pedagogical approach to support professional identity formation in medical students: AMEE Guide No. 171

A Systemic Perspective on Organizations: International Experience with the Systemic Constellation Method

Charting the field of Agentic Engagement: a scoping review of the literature

Conceptualisation of the systemic organisational constellation method and a procedure for its application in coaching

Do resilience and socio-demographic characteristics predict university lecturers’ well-being? A cross-sectional study

Identifying Behaviours Representative of Agentic Engagement in Pre-clinical Medical Education PBL Groups Based on Literature and Observations

Long-term treatment outcomes of mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for fatigue in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: Results of a randomized controlled trial


Werknemer medische faculteit moet mondiger worden, leidinggevende minder veeleisend

Aandacht voor jezelf hoort óók in het onderwijs

Healthy ageing