J. (Joana) Falcao Salles, Prof

13 April 2005, Leiden University, the Netherlands
Title of thesis: ‘Burkholderia community structure in soils under different agricultural management’
Promoters: Prof.dr. J. A. van Veen and Prof.dr.ir. J.D. van Elsas
July 1998, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Topic: Plant production
Main subjects: ‘Use of Acetobacter diazotrophicus as a vector to express the cry3A gene from Bacillus thuringiensis, envisaging the control of coleopteran pests in sugarcane’
Current position
Aug 2014 – present Associate Professor (tenure track), University of Groningen, the Netherlands
Previous positions
Nov 2008 – Jul 2014 Assistant Professor (tenure track), University of Groningen, the Netherlands
Jan 2008 – Nov 2008 Postdoctoral Fellow, Université Lyon 1 - CNRS, France
Oct 2005 – Jan 2008 Postdoctoral Fellow, Université Lyon 1 - INRA, France
Mar 1999 – Aug 1999 Lecturer, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (0.5fte)
Nov 1998 – Nov 1999 Researcher, Embrapa Agrobiologia, Brazil (0.5fte)
Publication list
Refereed Articles, In review or in preparation
1. Dini-Andreote F, Stegen J, van Elsas JD, Salles JF. Disentangling mechanisms that mediate the balance between stochastic and deterministic processes in microbial succession.PNAS, in review
2. Grizard S, Versteegh MA, Ndithia HK, Salles JF, Tieleman BI. Shifts in bacterial communities of eggshells and antimicrobial activities in eggs during incubation in a ground-nesting passerine. PloS One,in review
3. Mallon CA, van Elsas JD, Salles JF. An Ecological Framework for Microbial Invasions: Examining the Phases of Invasion and the Mechanisms Driving Invasion Resistance. Trends in Microbiology,in review.
4. Mallon CA, Le Roux X, Dini-Andreote F, Poly F, Salles JF. Alien escape: invasion of soil microbial communities selects for taxa that explores niches not targeted by the invader. In preparation
5. Grizard S, Dini-Andreote F, Ndithia HK, Tieleman BI, Salles JF. Bacterial communities associated with eggshells, and environmental and maternal sources in two related passerines.In preparation
6. Grizard S, Ndithia HK, Muchai M, Salles JF, Tieleman BI. Eggshell bacterial communities substantially differ among environments and showed a few associations with albumen antimicrobial proteins. In preparation
7. Wang M andSalles JF. Exploring the root-associated bacterial community turnover along a primary succession in salt marsh.In preparation8. Chaplinska M, Gerritsma S, Dini-Andreote F, Salles JF, Wertheim B. Bacterial communities differ among Drosophila melanogaster populations and affect host resistance against parasitoids. In preparation
Refereed Articles, Published
9. Mallon CA, Poly F, Le Roux X, Marring I, van Elsas JD, Salles JF. 2015.Effects of diversity on system invasiveness can be alleviated but not uncoupled by a resource pulse.Ecology, in press.IF: 5.000
10. Dini-Andreote F, Pereira e Silva MC, Triado-Margarit X, Casamayor E, van Elsas JD, Salles JF. 2014. Dynamics of bacterial community succession in a salt marsh chronosequence: evidences for temporal niche partitioning. ISME journal, in press. DOI:10.1038/ismej.2014.54.IF: 9.267
11. Grizard S, Dini-Andreote F, Tieleman BI, Salles JF. 2014. Dynamics of bacterial and fungal communities associated with eggshells during incubation.Ecology and Evolution, 4: 1140-1157. IF: 1.658
12. Semenov AV, Pereira e Silva MC, Salles JF, Schmitt H, van Elsas JD. 2014. Quantitative assessment of soil functioning across a representative range of Dutch soils.Ecological indicators, 39: 88-93. IF: 3.230
13. Vandamme P, De Brandt E, Houf K, Salles JF, Spilker T, LiPuma JJ. 2013. Burkholderia humi sp. nov., Burkholderia choica sp. nov., Burkholderia telluris sp. nov., Burkholderia terrestris sp. nov., and Burkholderia udeis sp. nov.: Burkholderia glathei-like bacteria from soil and rhizosphere soil.International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 63:4707-18. IF: 2.798
14. Pereira e Silva MC, Schloter-Hai B, Schloter M, van Elsas JD and Salles JF. 2013. Temporal dynamics of abundance and composition of N-fixing communities across agricultural soils. PLoS One, 8(9): e74500. IF: 3.534
15. Videira SS, Pereira e Silva MC, Galisa PS, Dias ACF, Baldani VLD, Baldani JI, van Elsas JD, Salles JF. 2013. New groups of nitrogen-fixing bacteria associated with Pennisetum purpureum – a bioenergy crop.Plant and Soil, 373:737-754. IF: 3.235
16. Dias ACP, Hannula ES, Dini-Andreote F, Pereira e Silva MC, Salles JF, van Veen JA, Boer W, van Elsas JD. 2013. Different selective effects on responder rhizosphere bacteria exerted by conventional and genetically modified potato lines.PloS One, 8:e67948. IF: 3.534
17. Le Roux X, B Schmid, Poly F, Barnard RL, Clays-Josserand A, Niklaus PA, Guillaumaud N, Habekost M, Oelmann Y, Philippot L, Salles JF, Schloter M, Steinbeiss S, Weigelt A. 2013. Soil environmental conditions and microbial build-up mediate the effect of plant diversity on soil nitrifying and denitrifying enzyme activities in temperate grasslands.PloS One, 8: e61069. IF: 3.534
18. İnceoğlu Ö, van Overbeek LS, Salles JF, van Elsas JD. 2013. The normal operating range of bacterial communities in soil used for potato cropping.Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 79:1160-1170. IF: 3.952
19. Pereira e Silva MC, Semenov AV, Schmitt H, van Elsas JD, Salles JF. 2013. Microbe-mediated processes as indicators to establish the normal operating range of soil functioning.Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 57: 995-1002. IF: 4.410
20. İnceoğlu Ö, Sablayrolles C, van Elsas JD, Salles JF. 2013. Shifts in bacterial communities associated with the potato rhizosphere in response to aromatic sulfonate soil amendments.Applied Soil Ecology, 63:78– 87. IF: 2.206
21. Pereira e Silva MC, Dias ACF, van Elsas JD, Salles JF. 2012. Directional changes in microbial species composition in agricultural soils.PloS One, 7-e51554. IF: 3.534
22. Dias ACF, Pereira e Silva MC, Cotta S, Dini-Andreote F, Soares FL, Salles JF, Azevedo JL, van Elsas JD, Andreote FD. 2012. Analyses of abundance and genetic diversity of nifH gene sequences in Brazilian mangrove sediments.Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 78: 7960 –7967. IF: 3.952
23. Dias, ACF, Hoogwout E, Pereira e Silva MC, Salles JF, van Overbeek L, van Elsas JD. 2012. Potato cultivar type affects the structure of ammonia oxidizer communities in field soil under potato beyond the rhizosphere.Soil Biology & Biochemistry 50:85-95. IF: 4.410
24. İnceoğlu Ö, Salles JF , van Elsas JD. 2012. Soil and Cultivar Type Shape the Bacterial Community in the Potato Rhizosphere.Microbial Ecology 63:460–470. IF: 3.118
25. van Elsas JD, Chiurazzi M, Mallon C A, Elhottova D, Kristufek V, Salles JF .2012. Microbial diversity determines the invasion of soil by a bacterial pathogen. Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences USA, 109:1159-1164. IF: 9.809
26. Pereira e Silva MC, Poly F, Guillaumaud N, van Elsas JD, Salles JF. 2012. Baseline of nitrification in Dutch soils is driven by archaeal ammonia oxidizers.Frontiers in Terrestrial Microbiology, 3:77. IF: 3.941
27. Semenov AV, Pereira e Silva MC, Szturc-Koestsier AE, Schmitt H, Salles JF, van Elsas, JD. 2012. Impact of incorporated fresh 13C potato tissues on the bacterial and fungal community composition of soil.Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 49:88-95. IF: 4.410
28.Salles JF, Le Roux X, Poly F. 2012. Relating phylogenetic and functional diversity proxies among denitrifiers and quantifying their capacity to predict community functioning. Frontiers in Terrestrial Microbiology, 3:209. IF: 3.941
29. Pereira e Silva MC, Semenov AV, van Elsas, JD, Salles, JF. 2011. Seasonal variations in diversity and abundance of diazotrophic communities across soils.FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 77: 57-68. IF: 3.875
30. İnceoğlu Ö, Al-Soud W A, Salles JF , Semenov AV, and van Elsas JD. 2011. Dynamics of bulk and potato rhizosphere bacterial communities in a field as evidenced by pyrosequencing. PLoS One, 6:e23321. IF: 3.534
31. İnceoğlu Ö, Salles JF, van Overbeek LS, van Elsas JD. 2010. Effects of plant genotype and growth stage on the betaproteobacterial communities associated with different potato cultivars in two fields. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 76: 3675–3684. IF: 3.952
32. Salles JF, Poly F, Schmid B, Le Roux X. 2009. Community niche predicts the functioning of denitrifying bacterial assemblages.Ecology, 90:3324–3332. IF: 5.000
33. Andreote FD, Carneiro R T, Salles JF, Marcon J, Labate CA, Azevedo JL, et al. 2009. Culture-independent assessment of Alphaproteobacteria related to order Rhizobiales and the diversity of cultivated Methylobacterium in the rhizosphere and rhizoplane of transgenic eucalyptus.Microbial Ecology, 57: 82–93. IF: 3.118
34. Tzeneva VA, Salles JF, Naumova N, de Vos WM, Kuikman PJ, Dolfing J, Smidt H. 2009. Effect of soil sample preservation, compared to the effect of other environmental variables, on bacterial and eukaryotic diversity.Research in Microbiology, 160:89-98. IF: 2.826
35. Vanlaere E, van der Meer JR, Falsen E, Salles JF, De Brandt E, Vandamme P. 2008. Burkholderia sartisoli sp. nov., isolated from a polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon contaminated soil. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 58:420-423. IF: 2.798
36. van Doorn R, Szemes M, Bonants P, Kowalchuk G, Salles JF, Ortenberg E, Schoen CD. 2007. Quantitative multiplex detection of plant pathogens using a novel ligation probe-based system coupled with universal, high-throughput real-time PCR on OpenArraysTM. BMC Genomics, 8:276. IF: 4.041
37. Salles JF, van Elsas JD, van Veen JA. 2006. Effect of agricultural management regimes on Burkholderia community structure in soil. Microbial Ecology 52:267–279. IF: 3.118
38. Costa R, Salles JF, Berg G, Smalla K. 2006.Cultivation-independent analysis of Pseudomonas species in soil and in the rhizosphere of field-grown Verticillium dahliae host plants. Environmental Microbiology 8:2136–2149. IF: 6.240
39. Salles JF, Samyn E, Vandamme P, van Veen JA, van Elsas JD. 2006. Changes in agricultural management drive the diversity ofBurkholderia species isolated from soil on PCAT medium.Soil Biology and Biochemistry 38:661–673. IF: 4.410
40. Sessitsch A, Coenye T, Sturz AV, Vandamme P, Ait Barka E, Salles JF, van Elsas JD, Faure D, Reiter B, Glick BR, Wang-Pruski G, Nowak J. 2005. Burkholderia phytofirmans sp. nov., a novel plant-associated bacterium with plant beneficial properties. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 55:1187-1192. IF: 2.798
41. Salles JF, van Veen JA, van Elsas JD. 2004. Multivariate analysis of Burkholderia spp. in soil: Effect of crop and land use history. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 70:4012-4020. IF: 3.952
42. Silva KRA, Salles JF, Seldin L, van Elsas JD. 2003. Application of a novel Paenibacillus-specific PCR-DGGE method and sequence analysis to assess the diversity of Paenibacillus spp. in the maize rhizosphere. Journal of Microbiological Methods 54:213-231. IF: 2.096
43. van Elsas JD, Garbeva P, Salles J. 2002. Effects of agronomical measures on the microbial diversity of soils as related to the suppression of soil-borne plant pathogens. Biodegradation 13:29-40. IF: 2.492
44. Salles JF, De Souza FA, van Elsas JD. 2002. Molecular method to assess the diversity of Burkholderia species in environmental samples. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 68:1595-1603. IF: 3.952
45. Salles JF, Gitahy PM, Skøt L, Baldani JI. 2000. Use of endophytic diazotrophic bacteria as a vector to express the cry3A gene from Bacillus thuringiensis. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology 31:155-161. NA
46. Reis VM, Reis Junior FB, Salles JF, Schloter M. 2000. Charaterisation of different polyclonal antisera to quantify Herbaspirillum spp. in Elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum Schun.). Symbiosis 29:139-150. IF: 0.941
Book chapters
- Jurburg S and Salles JF. 2015. Functional redundancy and ecosystem function: the soil microbiota as a case study. Book chapter in “Biodiversity in Ecosystems - Linking Structure and Function” .
- Xavier GR, Zilli JE, Silva FV, Salles JF, Rumjanek NG. 2005. O papel da ecologia microbiana e da qualidade do solo na sustentabilidade dos agroecossistemas. In: Aquino, A. M. de; Assis, R. L. de (eds.), Processos biológicos no sistema solo-planta: ferramentas para uma agricultura sustentável. Brasília, DF: Embrapa Informação Tecnológica; Seropédica: Embrapa Agrobiologia, p. 29-46
- Baldani JI, Salles JF, Olivares FL. 2002. Bactérias endofíticas como vetores de genes de resistência a insetos. In: Melo, I.S.; Valadares-Inglis, M.C.; Nass, L.L.; Valois A.C.C. (eds.), Recursos genéticos e melhoramento – microrganismos. Jaguariúna: Embrapa Meio Ambiente, p. 589–601
Other publications
1. Salles JF and Mallon CA. 2014. Invasive plant species set up their own niche.New Phytologist, 204:435–437. Invited paper, editorial review
2. van Elsas JD, Semenov AV, Pereira e Silva MC, Salles JF. 2012. The impact of genetically modified microorganisms on natural ecosystems like soil – what have we learned?Proceedings of the OECD Conference on the Environmental uses of Micro-organisms
3. Tieleman BI, Horrocks NPC, Matson KD, Grizard S, Salles JF. 2011. How microbes shape birds and their eggs: Matching pathogen pressure and protection.Integrative and Comparative Biology 51:E138
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