J. (Julia) Even, Prof

Exotic nuclides are unique tools to learn about extreme aspects of nuclear structure as well as the strong and the weak force. The superheavy elements even provide tests of the influence of relativistic effects on the chemical properties. In my work, I produce, separate and study exotic nuclides with combinations of chemical and physical techniques.
Research grants:
I am co-PI on the NWO ENW-XL grant "Probing the phase diagram of quantum chromodynamics" awarded in 2022. Our diverse consortium of researchers from the University of Utrecht, University of Amsterdam, Nikhef and Groningen will look at the strong force from all angles.
In 2018, I have been awarded with an ERC Starting grant of 1.67 Mio€ for my NEXT project. NEXT focuses on "Neutron-rich EXotic nuclei produced in multi-nucleon Transfer reactions".
Multi-nucleon transfer reactions using actinide targets hold the potential for the discovery of new isotopes in the transfermium region. These will provide access to information on the evolution of nuclear shell structure and fission half-lives in the heavy element region. Xe-136 induced transfer reactions with lead or platinum can provide access to the closed neutron-shell N=126, the 3rd waiting point of the astrophysical r-process. Due to the large angular distribution of the transfer products, sample preparation for mass measurements and decay spectroscopy studies remains challenging a. So far, no separator dedicated to the production of heavy elements with multi-nucleon transfer reaction has been build.
In the NEXT project, a solenoid spectrometer will be combined with a Multi Reflection-Time of Flight Mass Spectrometer (MR-ToF MS) in order to overcome experimental limitations. The solenoid spectrometer provides a large angular acceptance for transfer products. With help of the MR-ToF MS masses in the region around mendelevium towards the subneutron shell closure N=162 and exotic nuclei around the 3rd waiting point of the r-process will become accessible.
In 2017, I have been awarded with a NWO Natuurkunde Projectruimte grant of 425000 € which will allow us to "catch doubly magic tin-100". More information can be found at the NWO webpage https://www.nwo.nl/en/news-and-events/news/2017/ew/innovative-physics-research-receives-35-million-euros.html. The magic of the project and our witchcraft-like methods are nicely described at science linx http://www.rug.nl/sciencelinx/nieuws/2017/05/20170530_even?lang=en.
Ongoing PhD-projects under my supervision:
"A solenoid separator for NEXT" Arif Soylu
"Sample preparation and precision mass measurement of exotic nuclei" Jennifer Brigitte Cipagauta Mora
"Precision mass measurements of exotic nuclei" Briain D. Hartigan
"Nuclear masses relevant for astrophysics" Jasper Westbroek
Finalized PhD-projects under my supervision:
Laatst gewijzigd: | 19 januari 2024 17:55 |