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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. J.E.M. (Erjen) van Nierop


Analysing supermarket performance with the high performance organisation framework

Het succes van zelfstandig ondernemerschap in de supermarktsector

High performance management bij franchise-supermarkten

Customer Value Modelling in the Energy Market and a Practical Application for Marketing Decision Making

For New Customers Only: A Study on the Effect of Acquisition Campaigns on a Service Company's Existing Customers' CLV

De relatie tussen instore marketing en de geobserveerde verkopen van duurzame producten

The relationship between in-store marketing and observed sales for organic versus fair trade products

Wel of niet op het schap? Hoe retailers beslissingen nemen ten aanzien van de adoptie van nieuwe producten

The impact of the introduction and use of an informational website on offline customer buying behavior

The relationship between in-store marketing and observed sales of sustainable products: A shopper marketing view

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