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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons J. (Jimena) Álvarez Freile


Navigating the path of Cancer Immunotherapeutics: Novel Targets and Innovative Development Tools

VISTA drives macrophages towards a pro-tumoral phenotype that promotes cancer cell phagocytosis yet down-regulates T cell responses

A luminescence-based method to assess antigen presentation and antigen-specific T cell responses for in vitro screening of immunomodulatory checkpoints and therapeutics

CD24 Is a Potential Immunotherapeutic Target for Mantle Cell Lymphoma

The Novel Immune Checkpoint GPR56 Is Expressed on Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes and Selectively Upregulated upon TCR Signaling

Tumor infiltrating CD8/CD103/TIM-3-expressing lymphocytes in epithelial ovarian cancer co-express CXCL13 and associate with improved survival

CD20 positive CD8 T cells are a unique and transcriptionally-distinct subset of T cells with distinct transmigration properties

High Loading Efficiency and Controlled Release of Bioactive Immunotherapeutic Proteins Using Vaterite Nanoparticles

Whispering Gallery Modes-based biosensors for real-time monitoring and binding characterization of antibody-based cancer immunotherapeutics