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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. J.A. (Jan-Arjen) Mondria


Receptive, productive, and receptive + productive L2 vocabulary learning: What difference does it make?

The effects of inferring, verifying, and memorizing on the retention of L2 word meanings: An experimental comparison of the 'meaning-inferred method' and the 'meaning-given method'

Efficiently memorizing words with the help of word cards and ‘hand computer’: Theory and applications

The effects of contextual richness on the guessability and the retention of words in a foreign language

RefWorks: al je literatuurverwijzingen altijd bij de hand: Nieuwe applicatie vervangt Reference Manager en EndNote

Mythen over vocabulaireverwerving

Myths about vocabulary acquisition

Mythen over vocabulaireverwerving

Mythen over vocabulaireverwerving