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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. J.A. (Ton) Lisman
University Medical Center Groningen

prof. dr. J.A. (Ton) Lisman

Hoogleraar Experimentele Chirurgie, ihb de pathofysiologie van trombose en hemostase



Prolonged hypothermic machine perfusion enables daytime liver transplantation - an IDEAL stage 2 prospective clinical trial

Recommendations for the safe use of direct oral anticoagulants in patients with cirrhosis based on a systematic review of pharmacokinetic, pharmacodynamic and safety data

The role of neutrophil extracellular trap formation in kidney transplantation: Implications from donors to the recipient

Von Willebrand factor as a predictor of mortality in acute-on-chronic liver failure: Do not throw out the baby with the bathwater

Abnormal fibrinolysis identified by viscoelastic tests in relation to clinical outcomes: Last call to harmonize criteria for future studies on promising associations

Anticoagulation in chronic kidney disease: current status and future perspectives

Anticoagulation to prevent disease progression in patients with cirrhosis

Antithrombotic Management in Adult Kidney Transplantation: A European Survey Study

Bile proteome reveals biliary regeneration during normothermic preservation of human donor livers

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Poortadertrombose is niet altijd een bloedstolsel

Poortadertrombose heel ander ziektebeeld dan beentrombose