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Assessing joint line obliquity in valgus-producing high tibial osteotomy: A scoping review of the literature

Cost-utility analysis of early reconstruction surgery versus conservative treatment for anterior cruciate ligament injury in a lower-middle income country

Factors influencing functional recovery after limb-salvage surgery for lower extremity musculoskeletal tumours: a qualitative study combining patients' and healthcare professionals' perspectives

Icon 2023: International Scientific Tendinopathy Symposium Consensus - the core outcome set for Achilles tendinopathy (COS-AT) using a systematic review and a Delphi study of professional participants and patients

Implementation barriers and facilitators for referral from the hospital to community-based lifestyle interventions from the perspective of lifestyle professionals: A qualitative study

Implementing Individually Tailored Prescription of Physical Activity in Routine Clinical Care: A Process Evaluation of the Physicians Implement Exercise = Medicine Project

Intra- and inter-operator reliability of measuring compressive stiffness of the patellar tendon in volleyball players using a handheld digital palpation device

Neuropathic-like symptoms have an additional predictive value for chronic postsurgical pain in total hip and knee arthroplasty patients

Orthopaedic surgeons' attitude toward physical activity for people after total hip or knee replacement: Northern vs Southern European country

Physical Activity Levels, Correlates, and All-Cause Mortality Risk in People Living With Different Health Conditions


UMCG: subsidie om motorisch beperkte patiënten meer thuis te laten revalideren

UMCG: Ruim miljoen subsidie voor thuis revalidatie

UMCG krijgt subsidie om motorisch beperkte patiënten meer thuis te laten revalideren