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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons I. (Irina) Masselman, MSc


Reducing a negative body image: A (masked) counterconditioning approach

The effectiveness of a masked counterconditioning approach using continuous flash suppression to alleviate body dissatisfaction in women with high body image concerns

What you don’t know, can’t hurt you: The differential effect of masked versus non-masked counterconditioning and mere exposure to spider pictures on women’s affective evaluation of spiders

Subjective disgust and facial electromyography responses towards unedited and morphed overweight self-pictures in women with varying levels of eating disorder symptomatology

What’s not to like? Enhancing women’s body satisfaction by means of an evaluative conditioning procedure with positive social feedback

Reducing body dissatisfaction by means of an evaluative conditioning procedure in undergraduate women: A replication study