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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. I.M. (Irene) van Langen


ELSI: Ethische, juridische, sociale, psychologische en economisch onderzoek binnen de (Klinische) Genetica en genetische screening in het Next Generation Sequencing tijdperk


Comprehensive Recommendations for the Clinical Management of Pregnant Women With Noninvasive Prenatal Test Results Suspicious of a Maternal Malignancy

Development of a digital risk-prediction tool based on family health history for the general population: legal and ethical implications

Perceptions of reproductive healthcare providers regarding their involvement in offering expanded carrier screening in fertility clinics: a qualitative study

Prenatal cell-free DNA testing of women with pregnancy-associated cancer: a retrospective cross-sectional study

Primary care professionals' views on population-based expanded carrier screening: an online focus group study

Systematic reanalysis of genomic data by diagnostic laboratories: a scoping review of ethical, economic, legal and (psycho)social implications

Predicting personal cardiovascular disease risk based on family health history: Development of expert-based family criteria for the general population

Rapid exome sequencing as a first-tier test in neonates with suspected genetic disorder: results of a prospective multicenter clinical utility study in the Netherlands

Societal implications of expanded universal carrier screening: a scoping review

A couple based approach to expanded carrier screening in a fertility setting


Aanbieden UMCG-dragerschapstest via getrainde huisarts is verantwoord

Genetici UMC Groningen willen proef met test naar erfelijke ziektes voor alle wensouders