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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. I.J. (Ida) van der Klei


Coordination of cytochrome bc1 complex assembly at MICOS

Hansenula polymorpha cells lacking the ER-localized peroxins Pex23 or Pex29 show defects in mitochondrial function and morphology

Overexpression of PEX14 results in mistargeting to mitochondria, accompanied by organelle fragmentation and clustering in human embryonic kidney cells

STED super-resolution microscopy unveils the dynamics of Atg30 on yeast Pex3-labeled peroxisomes

The Hansenula polymorpha mitochondrial carrier family protein Mir1 is dually localized at peroxisomes and mitochondria

Correlative Light- and Electron Microscopy in Peroxisome Research

Gluing yeast peroxisomes - composition and function of membrane contact sites

Novel targeting assay uncovers targeting information within peroxisomal ABC transporter Pxa1

Dual role of Mic10 in mitochondrial cristae organization and ATP synthase-linked metabolic adaptation and respiratory growth

Structure-function analysis of the ER-peroxisome contact site protein Pex32


Mitochondria Efficiently Adapt to Changing Metabolic Conditions

Mitochondria efficiently adapt to changing metabolic conditions — ScienceDaily

Mitochondria efficiently adapt to changing metabolic conditions

Mitochondrien stellen sich effizient auf veränderte Stoffwechselbedingungen ein

Mitochondria efficiently adapt to changing metabolic conditions

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STILTE voor de storm

Grote EU-subsidie voor onderzoek aan paroxismen: Prof. dr. Ida van der Klei coördineert onderzoek PerFuMe