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Dutch secondary school counselors’ and tutors’ views on how students should make study profile choices

Study profile guidance: perspectives of students, school counsellors and tutors in Dutch secondary education

Over schooladviezen, eindtoetsen en schoolloopbanen [Factsheet]

Profielkeuzeadviezen van mentoren en decanen in het voortgezet onderwijs [Factsheet]

Study profile choices in secondary education: searching for factors underlying the recommendations made by school guidance counsellors and tutors to vignette students

Profielkeuzeadvisering van mentoren en decanen aan fictieve leerlingen in het voortgezet onderwijs

The predictive power of track recommendations in Dutch secondary education

Education in a Nation divided: The Contribution of School Acts to the Development of Dutch Mass Schooling in the Long Nineteenth Century

Between research ethics and other interests: Challenges for historians of education

The Embodiment of Teaching the Regulation of Emotions in Early Modern Europe

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