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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons I.J.M. (Inge) Wichgers, MSc


Dutch secondary school counselors’ and tutors’ views on how students should make study profile choices

Study profile guidance: perspectives of students, school counsellors and tutors in Dutch secondary education

Over schooladviezen, eindtoetsen en schoolloopbanen [Factsheet]

Profielkeuzeadviezen van mentoren en decanen in het voortgezet onderwijs [Factsheet]

Study profile choices in secondary education: searching for factors underlying the recommendations made by school guidance counsellors and tutors to vignette students

The predictive power of track recommendations in Dutch secondary education

Education in a Nation divided: The Contribution of School Acts to the Development of Dutch Mass Schooling in the Long Nineteenth Century

Between research ethics and other interests: Challenges for historians of education

The Embodiment of Teaching the Regulation of Emotions in Early Modern Europe

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