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Human organoids and organ-on-chips in coeliac disease research

An iPSC-derived small intestine-on-chip with self-organizing epithelial, mesenchymal, and neural cells

Coeliac disease in the Trøndelag Health Study (HUNT), Norway, a population-based cohort of coeliac disease patients

Gene expression and eQTL analysis reflect the heterogeneity in the inflammatory status of the duodenal epithelial lining in coeliac disease

Genetic mapping across autoimmune diseases reveals shared associations and mechanisms

Genome-wide association study identifies novel risk variants for celiac disease in the 5p15.33 locus: insights from a population-based screening of adults, the HUNT

High-resolution analysis of the treated coeliac disease microbiome reveals strain-level variation

Identification of rare disease genes as drivers of common diseases through tissue-specific gene regulatory networks

Intestine-on-chip enhances nutrient and drug metabolism and maturation of iPSC-derived intestinal epithelial cells relative to organoids and Transwells

Potential biomarkers for multiple sclerosis stage from targeted proteomics and microRNA sequencing


Interview in Glutenvrij Magazine, about the future of CeD

CeD genetics and research on celiac disease

Nieuwsbrief Stichting MS Research

MS is niet erfelijk, maar erfelijkheid speelt wel een rol

De erfelijke aanleg in MS verklaard

Quel est le rôle des gènes dans l’intolérance au gluten ?

Interview for the magazine of the Dutch Coeliac Disease organization, Gluten Vrij

Krijgen we in de toekomst designerbaby’s?