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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. I.F.A. (Iris F.A.) Vis


Towards low-carbon power networks: Optimal location and sizing of renewable energy sources and hydrogen storage

An adaptive large neighbourhood search metaheuristic for hourly learning activity planning in personalised learning

Natuurinclusieve landbouw in het Noorden: Inspiratie, innovatie en daadkracht

A dynamic thompson sampling hyper-heuristic framework for learning activity planning in personalized learning

An inventory control policy for liquefied natural gas as a transportation fuel

Mixed Integer Programming models for planning maintenance at offshore wind farms under uncertainty

Replenishment and denomination mix of automated teller machines with dynamic forecast demands

A Branch-and-Price-and-Cut Algorithm for Resource-Constrained Pickup and Delivery Problems

Integration of returns and decomposition of customer orders in e-commerce warehouses

Mixed Integer Programming models for planning maintenance at offshore wind farms under uncertainty


Logistiek - maar dan een slagje anders

Physical Internet gaat er komen, hoe dan ook

Last minute beslissen over vervoersvorm

Geld voor onderzoek naar windmolenparken op zee

Overstap naar LNG is een gouden kans

Benzine en diesel blijven overheersen