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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. H.J. (Haitze) de Vries


Interpersonal Processes in the Duration of Sick Leave of Workers with Chronic Diseases: A Dyadic Analysis

Development and implementation of work-oriented clinical care to empower patients with kidney disease: an adapted intervention mapping approach

The Associations Between Illness Perceptions and Expectations About Return to Work of Workers With Chronic Diseases and Their Significant Others: A Dyadic Analysis

Training for occupational health physicians to involve significant others in the return-to-work process of workers with chronic diseases: a randomized controlled trial

Workers' views on involving significant others in occupational health care: a focus group study among workers with a chronic disease

Aandacht voor cognities en gedragingen van naasten

Assessing significant others' cognitions and behavioral responses in occupational health care for workers with a chronic disease

Patiënt zelf aan zet om perspectief op werk levend te houden: Baanbehoud is aandachtspunt van zorgverleners rondom chronische nierpatiënt

De invloed van naasten op arbeidsparticipatie van werkenden met een chronische aandoening

Influence of significant others on work participation of individuals with chronic diseases: a systematic review

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