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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons H.Y.J. (Janet) Chik

Research interests

PhD project:  The effects of sociality on senescence under an environmental pollution context

‘Why organisms age’ has been a central question in biology, and telomere dynamics has been widely used as a key biomarker for ageing. However, much remains unknown about the ecology and evolution of telomere dynamics in nature. Using two wild populations of house sparrows in the UK and Australia, my PhD aims to 1) test for evolutionary theories on telomere dynamics in the wild; and to examine the effects of 2) pollution and 3) sociality on telomeres. My results would help understand the evolution of ageing, and inform public health and conservation initiatives to improve both the physical and social environments for healthier ageing.


Animal social networks are robust to changing association definitions

The evolutionary and ecological drivers of senescence in two wild passerine systems

Adult telomere length is positively correlated with survival and lifetime reproductive success in a wild passerine

Heritability and age-dependent changes in genetic variation of telomere length in a wild house sparrow population

Not so social in old age: Demography as one driver of decreasing sociality

Indirect genetic effects increase heritability estimates for male and female extra-pair reproduction

Opposite-sex associations are linked with annual fitness, but sociality is stable over lifetime

A meta-analysis on the heritability of vertebrate telomere length

What is the best fitness measure in wild populations? A case study on the power of short-term fitness proxies to predict reproductive value