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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. H.K. Vedantham


Astrometry and Precise Radial Velocities Yield a Complete Orbital Solution for the Nearby Eccentric Brown Dwarf LHS 1610 b

Phenomenology and periodicity of radio emission from the stellar system AU Microscopii

Radio signatures of star–planet interactions, exoplanets and space weather

Unravelling sub-stellar magnetospheres

A LOFAR sample of luminous compact sources coincident with nearby dwarf galaxies

Hunting for exoplanets via magnetic star-planet interactions: Geometrical considerations for radio emission

Polarised radio pulsations from a new T-dwarf binary

VLBI MultiView Astrometry of Radio Stars

V-LoTSS: The circularly polarised LOFAR Two-metre Sky Survey

Peculiar Radio-X-Ray Relationship in Active Stars