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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. ir. H.J. van Waarde


A Behavioral Approach to Data-Driven Control With Noisy Input-Output Data

Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Data-Driven Model Reference Control

Orthogonal polynomial bases for data-driven analysis and control of continuous-time systems

Relaxation Systems and Cyclic Monotonicity

Synthesis of Dissipative Systems Using Input-State Data

A “fundamental lemma” for continuous-time systems, with applications to data-driven simulation

A Persistency of Excitation Condition for Continuous-Time Systems

A Quantitative Notion of Persistency of Excitation and the Robust Fundamental Lemma

Data-driven simulation of continuous-time linear time-invariant systems: the autonomous case

Guest Editorial Introduction to the IEEE Control Systems Letters Special Section on Data-Driven Analysis and Control