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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. H.J.M. (Marleen H.J.M.) Janssen


Implementation fidelity of video-feedback coaching for communication partners of individuals with congenital deafblindness

Using intervention mapping to develop an intervention for multiparty communication with people with congenital deafblindness

Applying Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development to understand autonomy development in children and youths with deafblindness: a systematic literature review

Analysis of the relationship between the content and effectiveness of an intervention based on the Layered Communication Model to improve communication

Comparison of Social Valdidity Ratings with the Effects of a Video-feedback Intervention for Communication Partners of Individuals with Deafblindness

Editorial: Development, Wellbeing, and Lifelong Learning in Individuals With a Dual Sensory Loss

Can you feel my rhythm? Interpersonal coordination between a child with deafblindness and their mentor

Monitoring communication development between teachers and their students with congenital deafblindness: An application of the Layered Communication Model

Multiparty conversations with people with congenital deafblindness: Operationalization, significance, and requirements

Communication development from an intersubjective perspective: Exploring the use of a layered communication model to describe communication development in students with congenital deafblindness


'Met juiste ondersteuning kunnen doofblinden goed communiceren'

Voor de goede verstaander heeft de doofblinde zo veel te vertellen

UK University of Groningen Praten en kijken op de tast

Radio Glasnost In de wetenschap gebeurde er helemaal niks

Radio TV Noord Geen zicht, geen gehoor, maar wel communiceren

RTL Late night Doof en blind, commentaar door Marleen Janssen bij Humberto Tan