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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. H.J. (Herman) de Jong


Optimism or pessimism? A composite view on English living standards during the Industrial Revolution

Proximate Sources of Growth: Capital and Technology

Inequality in turbulent times: income distribution in Germany and Britain, 1900-50

The comparative development of regions in the Netherlands, 1820–2010

Health and wealth in the 20th Century: Implications for today

Unfolding the Turbulent Century: A Reconstruction of China’s Historical National Accounts, 1840-1912

A note on technology shocks and the Great Depression

A Tale of Two Tails: Establishment Size and Labour Productivity in United States and German Manufacturing at the Start of the Twentieth Century

Living Standards in a Modernizing World: A Long-Run Perspective on Material Wellbeing and Human Development

Did technology shocks drive the great depression? Explaining cyclical productivity movements in US manufacturing, 1919-1939


Column: Rebasing 'Maddison': The shape of long-run economic development