dr. H. (Henk) Hofstede

Hofstede, H., Salemink, K., and T. Haartsen (2022). Beyond the (im)mobility and social-environmental dichotomy: young adults' motives to reside in rural northwest Europe. Population, Space and Place, e2632.
Hofstede, H., Salemink, K., and T. Haartsen (2022). The appreciation of rural areas and their contribution to young adults' staying expectations. Journal of rural studies, 95, pp. 148-159.
Hofstede, H., Haartsen, T. and J. Tiemersma (2021). De diversiteit van blijvers in Oost-Groningen. Agora Magazine, 3, 6-9.
Saka-Helmhout, A., Hofstede, H. and J. Knoben (2017). The Effectiveness of Networks in Seed Potato Sector Development in sub-Saharan Africa. Nijmegen School of Management, Radboud University.
Hofstede, H. (2014). Balancing between thick and thin regional identities: The case of De Achterhoek, The Netherlands. Journal of Place Management and Development, 7 (2), 126 - 140.
2021: Secondary school teacher, Geography, Willem de Zwijger College, Bussum. 2017 - 2019: author Malmberg, De Wereld Van (geography school books).
2016-2019: Lecturer Human Geography and planning, Utrecht University.
2017: Research fellow, School of Management, Radboud University Nijmegen.
2015-2016: Secondary school teacher, Geography, Christelijk Lyceum Zeist.
-Bachelor Human Geography and Planning (BSc), Cum Laude
-Honours Program Geoscience
-Research Master Human Geography and Planning (Msc)
-Education Master Teaching Geography (MA)
Laatst gewijzigd: | 13 januari 2023 11:39 |