prof. dr. H. Folmer

1) Professional Experience
2005- present Groningen University, Department of Spatial Sciences
(part time)
Professor of research methodology and spatial econometrics
1997-2004 Tilburg University, Department of Economics (part time) Professor of Environmental Economics.
1986-present WageningenUniversity, Department of Social Sciences
(part time since 2005)
Professor of General Economics.
1980-1986 University of Groningen, Department of Economics
Associate Professor of Economics.
1975-1980 University of Groningen, Department of Geography
Assistent Professor of Statistics and Research Methods
1972-1975College of Trafic Management, Tilburg
Lecturer of Statistics and Research Methods
1971-1972Institute for Labor Research (IVA), Tilburg University
Institute of Regional Economic Research
, Tilburg
2) Visiting Positions
University of Illinois , US , August 1991– December 1991
University of Colorado at Boulder, US, January 1992 – July 1992
University of Venice , Italy , March 1993, October 1994
University of Wyoming , US , several short visits during period 1992-2002
University of California at Santa Barbara, US, October 1993
Universidad de Santiago de Chile, April 1996, September 2003
University of Dar es Salaam , Tanzania , April 1997
University of Sterling , UK , September 1997
Pennstate , US , January 1997 – June 1997, several short visits 2003-2004
Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden, June 1998
Moi University , Kenya , April 2004
University of British Columbia , Canada ,October 1995, October 2005
University of Gothenburg , Sweden , 14 short visit during the period 1992-2007
Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China, 12 short visits during the period 1995-2007
University of Maryland , US , November, 2004, November, 2005
Vietnam National University, Hanoi, Vietnam October 2006
Kiel University , Germany , June 2006
Universitas Padjadjaran, Bandung, Indonesia, March 2006, January 2007, September 2007
University of Umea , Sweden , November 2007
3) Awards and recognition
Fulbright Scholar, 1991-1992,
Scholar of the Royal British Economic Society, 1997
Honorary Doctorate, University of Gothenburg, Sweden, 1999
Honorary Professorship, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing, China
4) Membership in professional associations
American Economic Association
European Association of Environmental and Resource Economics
Koninklijke Vereniging voor Staathuishoudkunde (Royal Netherlands Economic Association)
Western Regional Science Association
Regional Science Association International
Dutch Regional Science Association
Spatial Econometrics Society
5) Teaching
Courses taught:
Microeconomic Theory
Macroeconomic Theory
Public Finance
International Economics
Environmental Economics
Regional Economics
Game Theory
Spatial econometrics
6) Supervision of Ph.D. theses
A. Boorsma, Mogelijkheden voor akkerbouwbedrijven in de Veenkoloniën: Een micro simulatiemodel (Expansion opportunities for arable farming in de Veenkoloniën: a micro simulation approach), 1990. Groningen University
N. Heerink, Population Growth, Income Distribution, and Economic Development, 1991, European UniversityFlorence
W. Heijman, Depletable resources and the economy, 1991. Wageningen University
R. Florax, The university: a regional booster?:Economic impacts of academic knowledge infrastructure, 1992. Twente University
R.S. de Groot, Functions of Nature. Evaluation of nature in environmental planning, management and decision making, 1993. Wageningen University
Z. Semgalawe, Household adoption behaviour and agricultural sustainability in the North Eastern Mountains in Tanzania. The case of soil conservation in the North Pare and West Usambra Mountains. 1995. Wageningen University
K. Boahene, Innovation adoption as a socio-economic process : the case of the Ghanaian cocoa industry, 1995. Utrecht University
Z. Zhang, Integrated economy - energy - environment policy analysis : a case study for the People's Republic of China, 1996. Wageningen University
S. Kruitwagen. An economic analysis of tradeable emission permits for sulphur dioxide emissions in Europe, 1996. Wageningen University
E. Bulte, Essays in the economics of renewable resources, 1997. Wageningen University
L. Quadrado, Welfare inequality, regionalisation, and welfare policy : measurement and analysis for Spain, 1999. Wageningen University
A. Leen , The consumer in Austrian economics and the Austrian perspective on consumer policy, 1999. Wageningen University
R. Jongeneel, The EU's grains, oilseeds, livestock and feed related market complex: welfare measurement, modelling and policy analysis, 2000. Wageningen University
M. Callaway, Essays in Climate Change Policy, 2001. Tilburg University
K. Asiedu, The effects of privatization on wages and job satisfaction: the case of Ghana, 2002. Wageningen University
Ph. Hang, Essays in game theory and natural resources, 2003. Tilburg University
J. Kroeze-Gil, International environmental problems, issue linkage and the European Union, 2003.Tilburg University.
M. Rudd, Institutional analysis of marine reserves and fisheries governance policy experiments. A case study of Nassau Grouper conservation in the Turks and Caicos Islands, 2003. Wageningen University
S. Dutta, Rural Industrialization. The Case of Bardhaman District in West Bengal, 2004. Wageningen University
M. Chambwera, Household fuelwood and energy consumption in Harare; 2004. Wageningen University
H.C.J. van der Veen, Het effect van milieubeleid op locatiebeslissingen van bedrijven (The impacts of environmental policy on the location decisions of firms), 2004. Groningen University
P. Ponce,Carbon sequestration and climate change policy, 2005. Wageningen University
P. Odunga, Choice behavior and expenditure patterns of international tourists in Kenya, 2005. Wageningen University.
C.P.C.M. van der Hamsvoort, The allocation of scarce resources in miscellaneous cases, 2006, Wageningen University.
K. Niquidit, Essays in forest policy in British Columbia, 2007. Groningen University
In progress
Hoang-Huy Nguyen, Economic growth, income distribution and poverty: A case study of Vietnam, 2008.
E. van der Werf, Climate change policy and endogenous technological change, 2008.
M. Jadab, Analysis of growth and inequality of the Asia-Pacific Countries, 2009.
D. Rodriguez, Benefit analysis of water quality improvement, 2009.
H. Bekele, The impact of microfinance programs on intra-household gender relations in Ethiopia, 2008.
M. Nabore, The determinants of poverty in Belise, 2009.
J. Superman, The socioeconomic impacts of water management. The case of the Citarum River, Bandung, Indonesia, 2009.
R. Dimoso. Socioeconomic impacts of environmental degradation. The case of the West Usambra Mountains, Tanzania, 2008
Namizate Binate, Microfinance and intra-household gender relations: The case of Ivory Coast
An Liu. Essays in spatial econometrics and environmental economics. 2010
6) Research
Selected publications in international refereed journals (in English)
Measurement of the Effects of Regional Policy Instruments. Environment and Planning A, 1980, 12; 1191-1202.
Measurement of the Effects of Regional Policy Instruments by means of linear structural equation models and panel data. Environment and Planning A, 1981, 13; 1435-1448.
A linear structural equation approach to cross sectional models with lagged variables (with G. van der Knaap). Environment and Planning A 1981, 13; 1529-1537.
Measurement of effects of regional policy by means of time series analysis (with M. M. Fischer). Papers of the Regional Science Association, 1982, 49, 133-151.
Progress and problems in the methodology of regional science (with M.M. Fischer). Papers of the Regional Science Association, 1983, 52, 214-218.
An interregional labour market model incorporating vacancy chains and social security (with J. Oosterhaven). Papers of the Regional Science Association, 1985, 58, 141-155.
Methodological aspects of impact analysis of regional economic policy (with P. Nijkamp). Papers of the Regional Science Association, 57, 79-94, 1985.
Differences in characteristics between unemployed with different spells of unemployment (with J. van Dijk). Kwantitatieve Methoden 8, 25, 75-96, 1987.
Entry of the unemployed into employment: Theory, Methodology and Dutch experience (with J. van Dijk). Regional Studies, 19, 3, 243-256, 1985.
The consequences of interregional migration for the regional labor market (with J. van Dijk). Review of Economics and Statistics 68, 1, 74-83, 1986.
Investment Premiums: Expensive but hardly effective (with P. Nijkamp). Kyklos, 40, 43-72, 1987.
Differences in unemployment duration: a regional or a personal problem? (with J. van Dijk). Applied Economics, 20, 1233-1251, 1988.
Efficiency of job-matching mechanisms: a cross national comparison (with J. van Dijk, H.W. Herzog and A.M. Schlottmann). Papers of the Regional Science Association, 64, 79-94, 1988.
Environmental Problems and Policy in the single European Market (with Ch. Howe), Environmental and Resource Economics, 1, 1, 17-41, 1991.
Specification and estimation of spatial linear regression models. Monte Carlo Evaluation of Pre-test Estimators (with R. Florax). Regional Science and Urban Economics, 22, 405-432, 1992.
Knowledge impacts of universities on investment behavior of industry. (with R. Florax). Journal of Regional Science, 32, 437-466, 1992.
Transboundary pollution problems, environmental policy and international coordination: An Introduction (with I. Musu). Environmental and Resource Economics, 2, 107-116, 1992.
International environmental problems and interconnected games, (with P. van Mouche and S. Ragland), Environmental and Resource Economics, 3, 313-335, 1993.
Income distribution and the fulfilment of basic needs: Theory and empirical evidence (with N. Heerink). Journal of Policy Modelling, 16, 6, 625-652, 1994.
Interconnected games and environmental problems II, (with P. van Mouche), Annals of Operations Research, 54, 97-117, 1994.
Compatibility of CO2 emissions reduction targets with long-term economic development in China (with Z. Zhang and P. van Beek) Change, 21, pp 15-18, 1994.
Policy instruments for the control of CO2 emissions (with Z. Zhang) Intereconomics, 30, 3, 133-143, 1995.
Government regulation and scarcity rent in fishery (with E. Bulte and W. Heijman). Environmental and Resource Economics, 6, 309-320, 1995.
Climate Change and agriculture: What can the economist say? (with F. de Vries and K. van Kooten). Aspects of Applied Biology 45, 117-131, 1996.
The Chinese energy system: Implications for future carbon dioxide emissions in China (with Z.X. Zhang). Journal of Energy and Development, 1996, 21,1,1-44.
Income and environmental RD: Some empirical evidence from OECD countries (with R. Komen and S. Gerking). Environmental and Development Economics, 1997, 505-515.
Mixed good management: The case of minke whales (with E. Bulte and W. Heijman). European Review of Agricultural Economics, 1998, 73-91
Economic approaches to cost estimates for the control of carbon dioxide emissions (with Z. Zhang). Energy Economics, 1998,
An integrated socio-economic analysis of agricultural innovations adoption: The case of hybrid cocoa in Ghana (with K. Boahene and T. Snijders). Journal of Policy Modeling, 1999, 167-184.
Wage effects of unemployment duration and frequency , (with J. van Dijk). Journal of Regional Science, 39, 2, 319-337, 1999.
Long run implications for developing countries of joint implementation of greenhouse gas mitigation (With A. Rose and E. Bulte) Environmental and Resource Economics, 14, 1, 19-31, 1999.
Worker endowments and the effects of institutions on earnings realizations: A Cross-Nation Comparison (with J. van Dijk, H.W. Herzog and A.M. Schlottmann). Journal of Regional Science, 2000, 67-89.
Trading sulphur emissions in Europe: Guided bilateral trade (with S. Kruitwagen, E. Hendrix, L. Hordijk and E. van Ierland). Environmental and Resource Economics, 2000, 423-441.
The Confusing Relationship Between Environmental Policy and Location Behaviour of Firms: A Methodological Review of Selected Case Studies. (with T. Jeppesen). The Annals of Regional Science, 2001, 35, 523-546
The Maximum Sustainable Yield of Artisanal Fishery in Zanzibar: A Cointegration Approach. (With A.F. Mkenda) Environmental and Resource Economics, 19, 311-328,2001
Multidimensional Analysis of Regional Inequality: The Case of Hungary. (with L. Quadrado and W. Heijman). Social Indicators Research 56: 21-42, 2001. 2001
Regional inequality in the provision of health care in Spain. (with L. Quadrado and S. Loman). Environment and Planning A, 2001, vol. 33, 783-798.
Multi-dimensional analysis of regional inequality: The case of higher educational facilities in Spain. (with L. Quadrdo and S. Loman.).Papers in Regional Science. Vol. 80, nr.2, April 2001,p.189-211.
Environmental Regulations and New Plant Location Decisions: Evidence from a Meta-Analysis. (with T. Jeppesen and J.A. List). Journal of Regional Science, 2002, vol 42, No 1, 19-49.
Product Liability: A Neo-Austrian Based Perspective. (With W.J.M. Heijman and A.R. Leen). European Journal of Law and Economics, 2002, 13, 73-84.
Specification searches in spatial econometrics: The relevance of Hendry's methodology (with Florax, R.J.G.M. & Rey, S.J). Regional Science and Urban Economics, 33, 2003, 557-579
Cooperation with respect to cleaning of an international water body with stochastic environmental damage: The case of the Baltic Sea. Ecological Economics,2003, 47(1), 33-42. (with I-M. Gren)
Management of an international water body. Ecological Economics, 2003, (47)1, 1-22 (with I-M. Gren)
Environmental policy in the European Union: Community competence vs member state competence. Journal of Economic and Social Geography (TESG: Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 2003, 94(4), 510-515. (with T. Jeppesen)
Policy analysis for tropical marine reserves: Challenge and directions (with M. Rudd & M.H. Tupper). Fish and Fisheries, 4(1), 2003, 65-85.
On a less known Nash equilibrium uniqueness result (with P. van Mouche). Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 2004, 67-81.
A comment on specification searches in spatial econometrics: The relevance of Hendry's methodology. A reply (with R.J.G.M. Florax & S.J. Rey).. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2005
Fuel switching in Harare: An almost ideal demand system approach to estimate firewood demand. (with M. Chambwera) Energy Policy, 2007, 35(4), 2538-2548
Impacts of privatization on job satisfaction: The case of Ghana (with K. Asiedu). World Development. 2007, 35 (10), 1779-1795.
Evidence on the Porter hypothesis from Dutch horticulture (with A. van der Vlist and C. Withagen). Ecological Economics. 2007, 63(1), 165-173.
Ecological and Environmental Policies versus a Steady-State Economy in Times of Crises (with Th. Piersma). Conservation Biology. 2007’, 21(5), 1136-1137.
Spatial dependence models with latent variables (with H. Oud). Geographical Analysis, 2008 (forthcoming)
Management of International Fishery Organizations: How to admit new members? (with Ph. Hang and H. Norde)International Game Theory Review, 2008 (forthcoming)
How to get rid of W? A linear structural equation approach to models with spatial dependence (with H. Oud) Environment and Planning A. , 2008 (forthcoming)
Under review
The determinants of rural industrialization. The case of the Badharan District, India. World Development (with S. Dutta, H. Oud)
Free riding problems and feasible allocations for Regional Fishery Management Organization. International Game Theory Review. (with Ph. Hang)
Why successful restaurants should not rise their prices. Marketing Letters. (with A. Leen)
When does interconnection induce cooperation? International Journal of Game Theory (with P. van Mouche)
Selection of articles in Dutch journals and newspapers (2002 - 2007 only)
Agrarisch Natuurbeheer: veel geld voor weinig Natuur (on agricultural nature conservation). MilieuNieuws, 18 (3), 2002, p. 5
Is er Toekomst voor de Veehouderij in Nederland? (on the future of agriculture in The Netherlands) (With K. van Kooten). Openbaar Bestuur, 12 (3) , 2002, pp. 3-6.
Het Platteland is meer dan Landbouw (on rural development). ESB Economisch Statistische Berichten, 87 (4373),2002, p. 619.
Herwaardering Kartonnen Melkpak (on milkcontainers). Milieunieuws, nr. 3, October 2002.
De meeliftende consument (on free riding behavior of consumers). Economisch Statistische Berichten, 88 (4421), 12-12-2003, pp. 583-583.
Open werving topbestuurders vormt rem op zelfverrijking (on the selection of top managers). NRC Handelsblad. 25-08-2003.
Afschaffen melkquota is nog hoogst onzeker (on the future of EU milk quotas). Leeuwarder Courant. 28-01-2003
Melkveehouder zal moeten uitbreiden (Dairy farmers need to expand). Leeuwarder Courant..29-07-2003
Dure olie betekent niet alleen kommer en kwel (on the benefits of high oil prices). Brabants Dagblad. 2004,11-08-2004
Werkveld Fryke Akademy verdient verbreding (Research institute Fryske Akademy needs to expand). Leeuwarder Courant. 06-09-2004
Gaswinning Wadden nauwlettend bewaakt (on the exploitation of natural gas in the Wadden Sea). Leeuwarder Courant. 06-07-2004
Een Den Haag Consensus? (cost benefit analysis as a means to set priorities of policy goals) ESB Economisch Statistische Berichten. 89 (4436) 25-06-2004,
p. 289
Export banen is beste hulp arme landen (Outsourcing and off-shoring an excellent form of development aid), de Volkskrant. 13-04-2004
Boerenbond steekt de kop in het zand (on the future of farming in The Netherlands). Leeuwarder Courant. 22-04-2004
De Nederlandse glastuinbouw en de Porter hypothese (test of the Porter hypothesis in Dutch horticulture), Economisch Statistische Berichten, 90, 2005 (met A. van der Vlist en C. Withagen)
Natuurbeleid verdient hogere prioriteit (on the importance of nature preservation). Leeuwarder Courant. Maart 2005
Waddenonderzoek niet gebaat bij Waddenacademie (on the design of research in the Wadden Sea). Leeuwarder Courant. Februarie. 2006
Gaswinning met hand aan de kraan in de Waddenzee (on controlled exploitation of gas in the Wadden Sea). Leeuwarder Courant. April 2006
Platform staat innovatie in de weg (on the stimulation of innovation) . Volkskrant. April 2006
Milieubeleid en innovatie (environmental policy and innovation). NRC Handelsblad, April 2007
Arbeid naar India niet erg (on the benefits for Dutch firms of outsourcing and offshoring to India) . NRC Handelsblad, Mei 2007
Belasting op topinkomens niet nadelig voor vestigingsklimaat (Taxation of record salaries does not harm location of firms). Leeuwarder Courant, November 2007
Waarom economen vaak miskleunen (Why economists often fail). Innaugural address. University of Groningen. Department of Spatial Sciences, October 16, 2007.
Werving nieuwe inwoners voor Friesland onnodig en ongewenst (Attracting new inhabitants to Friesland neither necessary nor desirable). Leeuwarder Courant, January 18, 2008.
Realistische plannen woningbouw nodig (Realistic housebuilding plans needed). Leeuwarder Courant, March 6, 2008.
Economen en economische gedrag (Economists and economic behaviour). Economisch Statistische Berichten,March 21, 2008 (with R. Jorna and M. Rol)
Books (in English)
C ompleted
Spatial Inequalities and Regional Development (Editor, with J. Oosterhaven). Martinus Nijhoff, Boston, 1977.
Regional Economic Policy. Measurement of its Effects. Martinus Nijhoff, 1986.
Valuation Methods and Policy Making inEnvironmental Economics (Editor, with E. van Ierland). Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1989.
Migration and Labor Market Adjustment (Editor, with J. van Dijk, H.W. Herzog and A.M. Schlottmann). Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1989.
Principles of Environmental and Resource Economics. A Guide to Decision Makers and Students ( Editor, with L. Gabel and J. Opschoor (eds)), Edward Elgar, 1995.
Environmental policy and Economic Integration: The European Community and the United States (Editor, with J. Braden and T. Ulen), Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 1995.
The International Yearbook of Environmental and Resource Economics 1997-1998 (with T. Tietenberg) (Eds) Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 1997.
The International Yearbook of Environmental and Resource Economics 1998-1999 (With T. Tietenberg) (Eds). Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 1998.
Game theory and the Environment (with N. Hanley) (eds). Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 1999
The International Yearbook of Environmental and Resource Economics 1999-2000 (with T. Tietenberg) (Eds). Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 1999.
The International Yearbook of Environmental and Resource Economics 2000-2001 (Editor, with Tom Tietenberg). Edward Elgar, Cheltenham. 2000
New Frontiers in Environmental Economics (Editor, with A.Rose, S. Gerking and L. Gabel). (Eds).Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2000.
Principles of Environmental and Resource Economics 2nd and revised edition. (with L. Gabel) Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2000.
The International Yearbook of Environmental and Resource Economics 2001-2002 Editor, with T. Tietenberg). Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2001
The International Yearbook of Environmental and Resource Economics 2002-2003 (Editor, with T. Tietenberg). Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2002
Land and Forest Economics (with G.C. van Kooten) UBC Press, Vancouver, 2002.
The International Yearbook of Environmental and Resource Economics 2003-2004 (Editor, with T. Tietenberg) Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2003
The International Yearbook of Environmental and Resource Economics 2004-2005 (Editor, with T. Tietenberg), Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2004
The International Yearbook of Environmental and Resource Economics 2005-2006 (Editor, with T. Tietenberg), Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2005
The International Yearbook of Environmental and Resource Economics 2006-20007 (Editor, with T. Tietenberg), Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2006
Water management in The Netherlands. (Editor, with S. Reinhard). Resources for the Future Press, Washington DC, 2008
Selected Book chapters (English only)
Autocorrelation pre-testing in linear models with AR(1) errors. In: (Th.K. Dijkstra (Ed)) On Model Uncertainty and its Statistical Implications. Springer, Berlin, 39-55, 1988.
Equilibrating and adjustment tendencies of interregional migration: an introduction (with J. van Dijk, H.W. Herzog and A.M. Schlottmann). In: Migration and Labor Market Adjustment. Eds J. van Dijk et al. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht 3-21, 1989.
Labor market institutions and the efficiency of interregional migration: a cross nation comparison (with J. van Dijk, H.W. Herzog and A.M. Schlottmann). In: Migration and Labor Market Adjustment, 61-85.
Towards a Sustainable Economy: The Need for International Cooperation on the Environment. In: Dutch Committee for Long Term Environmental Policy. The Environment: In Search of a Sustainable Future. Kluwer, Dordrecht, 373-394, 1993.
Economy-environment interaction: The case of the agricultural sector. An overview of Dutch models. In: A.M. Bruun Christensen (Ed) Modelling the Economy and the Environment. Springer, Berlin, 1995.
Macroeconomic Analysis of CO2 Emission Limits for China: A CGE Approach (with Z. Zhang and P. van Beek). In: S. Zwerver, R.S.A.R. van Rompaey, M.T.J. Kok and M.M. Berk (eds.), Climate Change Research: Evaluation and Policy Implications, Elsevier Science Publishers, Amsterdam, 1345-1348, 1995
Economic instruments and the pasture-crop-forest interface (with Kees van Kooten). In W.N. Adger (eds) Climate-change mitigation and European Land-use policies, CAB International, New York, 1997.
Impacts of environmental policy on international trade and capital movement: A synopsis of the macroeconomic literature. (with T. Jeppesen and R. Komen) In T. Sterner (ed). Environmental Implications of Market-Based Policy Instruments, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham,1999.
Migration and earnings attainment: A comparison between the United States and the Netherlands (with J. van Dijk, H.W. Herzog and A.M. Schlottmann). In C. Gorter, P. Nijkamp and J. Poot (eds), (1999). Crossing Borders. Regional and Urban Perspectives on International Migration. Ashgate, Aldershot, 359-376.
Linking Environmental and non-environmental problems in an international setting: the interconnected games approach (with J. Kroeze-Gil) in N. Hanley and H. Folmer (eds). Game Theory and the Environment, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 1999.
Game-theoretic modelling of environmental and resource problems (with N. Hanley and F. Missfeldt). In N. Hanley and H. Folmer (eds). Game Theory and the Environment, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 1999
Game theory and the Environment (with A. de Zeeuw). In J.v.d.Bergh (ed) Handbook of Environmental Economics,Edward Elgar, Cheltenham 1999.
International environmental problems and policy (with A. de Zeeuw) In H. Folmer and L Gabel (eds). Principles of Environmental and Resource Economics. 2nd and revised edition, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2000.
Transboundary pollution and international cooperation (with P. van Mouche). In T. Tietenberg and H. Folmer (eds). The International Yearbook of Environmental and Resource Economics. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2000.
Green taxation (with E. Romstad). In H. Folmer and L. Gabel (eds). The International Yearbook of Environmental and Resource Economics.
Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, 2000
The Acid Rain Game: a Formal and Mathematically Rigorous Analysis. (with P. v. Mouche). In B. Kristrom, P. Dasgupta and K. G Loefgren (eds) Economic Theory for the Environment. 2002, 138-162. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham
Environmental Policy and Firms' Decision-making about Location Choice: Application of a Decision-making Model to the Case of a Fertilizer Plant. (with H. van der Veen and T.A.B. Snijders). In C. Withagen et al (eds) Environmental Economics and the International Economy, Kluwer, 2002.
The Impact of Environmental Regulations on Capital Flows: some Methodological Consideration. (With C.Y. Co, T. Jeppesen, J.A. List and W.W. McHone). InEnvironmental Economics and the International Economy, 2002, 177-185.
Deforestation (with K. van Kooten). In B. Lomborg (ed). Solutions for the World’s Biggest Problems. Costs and benefits. 2007. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
In Progress
Regional Environmental Policy: Rationale,Foundations and Measurement of its effects (with J. van Dijk andJ. Oosterhaven). To appear in R. Capello and P. Nijkamp (eds). Regional Dynamics and Growth: Advances in Regional Economics. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham.
7) Editorial activities
Environmental and Resource Economics, Vice Chairman Editorial Board, 1991-1993.
The International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics. Editor in Chief (with T. Tietenberg).
Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences. Editor in Chief (together with L. Anselin, R. Capello and Y. Higano)
Edward Elgar: New Horizons in Environmental Economics. Editor in Chief(with W. Oates)
Member Editorial Board for
- Environmental and Resource Economics, 1991-
- Journal of Regional Science 1997 -
- Annals of Regional Science 1998 -
- International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology, 2003-
- Investigaciones Regionales 2005-
8) Referee for:
Review of Economics and Statistics
Scandinavian Journal of Economics
Applied Economics
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management
Journal of International Economics.
Journal of Development Economics.
Journal of Public Economics.
International Regional Science Review
Land Economics
Environment and Planning A
International Regional Science Review
Oxford Economic Papers
9) (Selected) Services
Founder and first President European Association of Environmental and Resource Economics, 1991-1997
Member EU Task Force on the Environment and the Single European Market. European Commision 1991
Member Green Tax Commission. Ministery of Finance, Dutch Government, 19998
Member Advisory Councel Wadden Sea. Ministery of the Environment, Dutch Government, 2002-present
Board Member Friese Milieu Federatie, Province of Fryslan, 1992-2004
Vice Chairman COST Action 17: Small and medium sized firms. European Commission, 2002-2006
Advisor to the Friese Milieu Federatie, 2005-
Board Member Fryske Gea, 2008-
Valuation panels
Research proposals spatial econometrics. US National Science Foundation. 2003.
Research proposals on sustainable development. Belgian National Science Foundation, 2001. 2005.
Water research and policy. Inter American Development Bank. 2003.
Research Institute IF0 Muenchen. German Research Foundation. 2006
Research proposals `Ecotechnology in Surface Waters`. German Research Foundation. May 2007.
Research proposals social sciences. Dutch National Science Foundation. 2008.
Laatst gewijzigd: | 25 juni 2022 16:21 |