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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. H.C. (Henk) Moll

prof. dr. H.C. (Henk) Moll

Hoogleraar Natuurlijke hulpbronnen in relatie tot duurzame productie en consumptie


Integrative sustainability education: Emerging concepts and approaches

Maximizing self-sufficiency and minimizing grid interaction: Combining electric and molecular energy storage for decentralized balancing of variable renewable energy in local energy systems

The impact of biogas production on the organic carbon input to the soil of Dutch dairy farms: A substance flow analysis

Local balancing of the electricity grid in a renewable municipality; analyzing the effectiveness and cost of decentralized load balancing looking at multiple combinations of technologies

Balancing responsibilities: Effects of growth of variable renewable energy, storage, and undue grid interaction

Can Multiple Uses of Biomass Limit the Feedstock Availability for Future Biogas Production? An Overview of Biogas Feedstocks and Their Alternative Uses

Impacts of biogas production on nitrogen flows on Dutch dairy system: Multiple level assessment of nitrogen indicators within the biogas production chain

User-centered design and evaluation of decentralized energy systems in the Netherlands
