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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. H. (Manda) Broekhuis


Making post-war urban neighbourhoods healthier: involving residents’ perspectives in selecting locations for health promoting urban redesign interventions

Social Community Teams’ Creation of Service Integration Through Boundary Work and Play with Their Stakeholders

Virtual reality for improving walkability

Professional Service Supply: A Holistic Network Perspective

Segmenting citizens according to their self-sufficiency: A tool for local government

Working around: Job crafting in the context of public and professional accountability

Eindverslag Actieonderzoek 'Baanbrekende professionals' (ZonMw 744220108): eenvoud en samenhang door grenzenwerk binnen wijkgericht werken

Job craften van professionals in een publieke en professionele verantwoordingscontext

The impact of interventions in the built environment on physical activity levels: a systematic umbrella review

Challenges at the marketing-operations interface in omni-channel retail environments