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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. H. (Manda) Broekhuis


Social Community Teams’ Creation of Service Integration Through Boundary Work and Play with Their Stakeholders

Virtual reality for improving walkability

Making post-war urban neighbourhoods healthier: involving residents’ perspectives in selecting locations for health promoting urban redesign interventions

Professional Service Supply: A Holistic Network Perspective

Segmenting citizens according to their self-sufficiency: A tool for local government

Working around: Job crafting in the context of public and professional accountability

Eindverslag Actieonderzoek 'Baanbrekende professionals' (ZonMw 744220108): eenvoud en samenhang door grenzenwerk binnen wijkgericht werken

Job craften van professionals in een publieke en professionele verantwoordingscontext

The impact of interventions in the built environment on physical activity levels: a systematic umbrella review

Challenges at the marketing-operations interface in omni-channel retail environments

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