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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. H.A.L. (Henk) Kiers


Three-Way Component Analysis Using the R Package ThreeWay

DISCO-SCA and Properly Applied GSVD as Swinging Methods to Find Common and Distinctive Processes

Simplimax: oblique rotation to an optimal target with simple structure

Joint orthomax rotation of the core and component matrices resulting from three-mode principal components analysis

Bootstrap confidence intervals for three-way methods

To interact or not to interact: The pros and cons of including interactions in linear regression models

Comparing researchers’ degree of dichotomous thinking using frequentist versus Bayesian null hypothesis testing

Diagnosing the Misuse of the Bayes Factor in Applied Research

Evaluating meta-analysis as a replication success measure

Financial dissatisfaction in people with psychotic disorders: a report on its prevalence and correlates in a large naturalistic psychosis cohort


Gewogen loting 2.0

Gewogen loting 2.0: expliciet, eenvoudig en inzichtelijk

De cijfers van Henk Kiers