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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons H.A.G. (Helga) de Valk, Prof


Adolescent Residential Mobility and Life Satisfaction in Emerging Adulthood

Childhood internal migration in Europe: Developments across cohorts and countries

The Relation between Residential Mobility and Internalizing and Externalizing Problems in Adolescence: The Role of Subjective Moving Experience, Gender, and Friendship Quality

Cohort Succession in the Timing of Marriage Among the Children of Turkish and Moroccan Immigrants

Economic Precariousness and the Transition to Parenthood: A Dynamic and Multidimensional Approach

Life Satisfaction Development in the Transition to Adulthood: Differences by Gender and Immigrant Background

Towards a typology of childhood internal mobility: Do children of migrants and non-migrants differ?

Childhood residential mobility and health outcomes: A meta-analysis

International Student Mobility Aspirations: The Role of Romantic Relationships and Academic Motivation

Temporary Employment and Family Formation: An Income or Insecurity Effect?

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