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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons H.A.G. (Helga) de Valk, Prof


Adolescent Residential Mobility and Life Satisfaction in Emerging Adulthood

Childhood internal migration in Europe: Developments across cohorts and countries

Cohort Succession in the Timing of Marriage Among the Children of Turkish and Moroccan Immigrants

Economic Precariousness and the Transition to Parenthood: A Dynamic and Multidimensional Approach

Life Satisfaction Development in the Transition to Adulthood: Differences by Gender and Immigrant Background

Towards a typology of childhood internal mobility: Do children of migrants and non-migrants differ?

Childhood residential mobility and health outcomes: A meta-analysis

International Student Mobility Aspirations: The Role of Romantic Relationships and Academic Motivation

Temporary Employment and Family Formation: An Income or Insecurity Effect?

Between self, family and society: Syrian male perspectives on intimate partner relationship negotiation in The Netherlands

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Migratie fase in levensloop

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