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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. G.J. (Gerard J.) van den Berg


Empirical Monte Carlo evidence on estimation of timing-of-events models

Mandatory integration agreements for unemployed job seekers: a randomized controlled field experiment in germany

Reciprocity and the interaction between the unemployed and the caseworker

Unemployment effects of the German minimum wage in an equilibrium job search model

Using data on biomarkers and siblings to study early-life economic determinants of type-2 diabetes

Informing employees in small and medium-sized firms about training: Results of a randomized field experiment

Side effects of labor market policies

The causal effects of education on adult health, mortality and income: Evidence from Mendelian randomization and the raising of the school leaving age

Waarde van wetenschap: Observeren, weten en meten

A unique bond: Twin bereavement and lifespan associations of identical and fraternal twins
