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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons dr. G.M.A. (Giulia) Ferraris


Cohort profile: The ENTWINE iCohort study, a multinational longitudinal web-based study of informal care

Cross-country variations in the caregiver role: evidence from the ENTWINE-iCohort study

The associations of dyadic coping strategies with caregiver’s willingness to care and burden: A weekly diary study

Does willingness to care fluctuate over time? A weekly diary study among informal caregivers

Interactions between caregivers and their close ones: psychological wellbeing and willingness to care

The interpersonal process model of intimacy, burden and communal motivation to care in a multinational group of informal caregivers

A Multinational Longitudinal Study Incorporating Intensive Methods to Examine Caregiver Experiences in the Context of Chronic Health Conditions: Protocol of the ENTWINE-iCohort

Dyadic associations between perceived social support and psychological well-being in caregivers and older care recipients

Dyadic Interdependence in Non-spousal Caregiving Dyads’ Wellbeing: A Systematic Review

Dyadic Profiles of Couples Coping With Body Image Concerns After Breast Cancer: Preliminary Results of a Cluster Analysis