dr. G. Kats-Ugurlu

Gursah Kats-Ugurlu has completed her training as clinical pathologist in the University Medical Center Nijmegen, the Netherlands. She works at the Department of Pathology and Medical Biology at the University Medical Center Groningen since 2013. Dr. Kats-Ugurlu is specialized in gastro-intestinal pathology with an additional specialization in neuro-endocrine tumors. This specialization is part of the recent recognition of the UMCG as center excellence at the ENETs.
In addition to her function in the daily diagnostics, she coordinates the training of pathology residents and gives lectures for residents in other departments. She is also member of different research teams in the UMCG ( neuro-endocrine tumors, HIPEC (High- Light study) and esophagus tumors).
Laatst gewijzigd: | 25 juni 2022 09:05 |