prof. dr. G.J. (Gijsbert) Vonk
Hoogleraar socialezekerheidsrecht

Gijsbert Vonk (prof. dr.) studied law in Amsterdam and London, before receiving a PhD for his research in the field of European social law at the University of Tilburg (1990). After having been head of the department for legal affairs at the Social Insurance Bank in Amstelveen from 1993 to 2006, he became full-time professor of social security law in Groningen. As from 2023 he also holds a part time chair in social rights at the University of Maastricht. Gijsbert Vonk’s fields of interest are (international and comparative) social security law and social rights. He is leader of an externally funded (Instituut Gak) research programme: "a dignified life in social security, towards a stronger role for social rights" (2023-2027)
Laatst gewijzigd: | 16 november 2023 14:15 |