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Over ons Praktische zaken Waar vindt u ons prof. dr. G.H. (Truuske) de Bock

Research interests

The research of Geertruida de Bock is about the early detection of cancer and improvement of outcomes after cancer treatment. To evaluate this in a systematic way, she set up an UMCG’s oncology databiobank OncoLifeS with quality of life as a main outcome. To assess and optimize screening strategies, she works on defining which populations are at risk of cancer and negative outcomes. She does not only consider benefits of screening and treatment, but also the negative effects of over-diagnosis, tumor-induction, false-positive results, and side-effects. Systematic literature reviews, analysis of cohorts and modelling are the most important methods she uses.


Advancing Ki67 hotspot detection in breast cancer: a comparative analysis of automated digital image analysis algorithms

Change in Metabolic Markers and the Risk of Skin Cancer: Results from the Lifelines Cohort Study in the Netherlands

Co-occurrence of CT based radiological sarcopenia and frailty are related to impaired survival in surgical oncology

CT-assessed sarcopenia and immune-related adverse events in patients with lung cancer: A competing risk time-to-event analysis

Effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 infection and severe outcomes in adults: A systematic review and meta-analysis of European studies published up to 22 January 2024

Histological proven AI performance in the UKLS CT lung cancer screening study: potential for workload reduction

Molecular Testing as Triage in Cervical Cancer Screening: Economic Evaluation Using Headroom Analysis

Physical Activity Program among Cancer Survivors in General Practice: Evaluating Patient Outcomes

The effect of hrHPV prevalence on cervical cancer screening strategies: a cost-effectiveness study of Bangladesh

The natural history of ductal carcinoma in situ: development, validation, and estimated outcomes of the SimDCIS model


Mannen krijgen vaker kankertherapie die de tumor aanpakt dan vrouwen

Mannen krijgen vaker kankertherapie die de tumor aanpakt dan vrouwen

Steeds meer mensen met kanker

Steeds meer mensen met kanker: 'Zien nu effecten van veel roken en zonnen'

UMCG krijgt vier ton subsidie voor verbetering onderzoek naar baarmoederhalskanker.