prof. dr. ir. G.N. (Georgi) Gaydadjiev
Hoogleraar Innovatieve Computer Architectuur

- EXA2PRO, RIA H2020-FETHPC-02-2017, European Union, Contract number 801015, 2018-2021
- SDK4ED, RIA H2020-ICT-05-2017, European Union, Contract number 780572, 2018-2021
- LEGaTO, RIA H2020- ICT-05-2017, European Union, Contract number 780681, 2017-2021
- EuroEXA, RIA H2020-FETHPC-01-2016, European Union, Contract number 754337, 2017-2021
- VINEYARD, RIA H2020-ICT-2015, European Union, Contract number 687628, 2016-2019
- AEGLE, RIA H2020-ICT-2014-1, European Union, Contract number 644906, 2015-2019
- EXTRA, RIA H2020-FETHPC-2014, Contract number 671653, 2015-2018
- CloudLightning, RIA H2020-ICT-2014-1, European Union, Contract number 643946, 2015-2018
- EUROSERVER, IP FP7-ICT10, Computing Systems, European Union, Contract number 610456, 2013-2016
- ProMSys: Programmable Multicore Systems, The Swedish research council VR, 2011-2014
- EYE: Empowering Young Explorers, CSA FET-ICT-2013-C, EU, Contract number 619241, 2013-2015
- on-Demand System Reliability (DeSyRe), STREP FP7-ICT7, Computing Systems, EU, Contract number 287611, 2011-2014
- Facilitating Analysis and Synthesis Technologies for Effective Reconfiguration (FASTER), STREP FP7-ICT7, Computing Systems, European Union, Contract number 287804, 2011-2014
- ENabling technologies for a programmable many-CORE (ENCORE), STREP FP7-ICT4, Computing Systems, European Uni, Contract number 249059, 2010-2013
- Google Inc. personal research award Configurable Accelerators for Google Applications, Jan 2009-2011
- (Project coordinator of) Scalable Processor Architecture (SARC), Integrated project FP6, European Union, Contract number 27648, 2006-2010
- Smart Cohlear Implants, SmartSIP, STW, 2008-2012
- MISAT, Bsik subsidie, MicroNed, 2005-2009
- High-Performance Architectures and Compilers (HiPEAC-2), Network of excellence of the European Union FP7, Contract number IST-217068, 2008-2012
- High-Performance Architectures and Compilers (HiPEAC), Network of excellence of the EU FP6, Contract number IST-004408, 2003-2007
- VALICHIP, Point-One, 2007-2009
- hARTES, EU FP6 Priority 2.5.3 Embedded Systems, Integrated project, Contract number 035143, 2007-2010
- Reliability techniques for implantable processors, Frame program 3TU with IMEC-NL (Samenwerking HOLST Center), 2007-2010
- Scientific Multicore Vector processors, NUFFIC, (2x PhD students), 2007-2009
Laatst gewijzigd: | 13 juli 2023 07:57 |